Chromebook RMA process

Start off by opening these following links

The first link is to Lenovo support.

The second link is to snipeIT.

The third is to a google form that you will need to fill out as your RMA the device.

The forth link is to the form spread sheet.

The first step is to look up the S/N in SnipeIT. Once you have the S/N. Past it into the find your product on the Lenovo support site

This will open a form that you need to fill out. Note in the issue description make sure to mention that he unit was power washed this will speed up the conversation with the Lenovo rep

Once you hit submit, you will be placed in a queue they will give you an estimate of how long the wait is , its normally less than a minute.

The first thing I do once the chat is started. Give them the address primary phone and backup phone number Email address.

Make sure to get the case number from the Lenovo rep. If they do not give you it  sure to ask for it.

Once you have the case number, open the google form and input the following information

S/N, Lenovo case number and what was wrong with the unit.

Lenovo will send you a Lenovo Inventory Control Sheet.  Fill out all the info and print it out.

Sign out the Chromebook in snipeIT to the Lenovo RMA account.

How to box up the chromebook

I reuse the boxes they send me back. They have designed packaging for Chromebooks Make sure to have the Inventory control sheet in the box.  And the Lenovo label with the case number is on outside.

Once the box is all packed up its time to print out the shipping label. We use USP for our shipping label. But if the Chromebook was already at Lenovo before when you are talking to the rep make sure to ask for the FedEx billway, this means they will cover the shipping and send you a label to use.

After the label is on it take it to the office, if it’s a billway make sure the box has FedEx written on it.

Now it’s the waiting game till the Chromebook comes back.

Once the Chromebook is back pick it up from the office and bring it up to start and unbox it. Inside the box there will be an Lenovo Action report and the Chromebook.

First sign the chromebook in from the Lenovo RMA account

then re-enroll the Chromebook.

Then a yellow sticker goes onto the unit

Now scan the Lenovo action report and have it emailed to you.

Now that it’s a PDF upload it to google drive with the name of it being the S/N or Asset Tag number.

Share the document into a URL.

Create an asset maintenance form for the RMAed  chromebook.

Put the supplier as Lenovo

Then maintenance type is repair

The title is Lenovo Action report

Then paste the URL of the Lenovo sheet into the notes and then save

Now sign the Chromebook out to the student and place a green sticker onto it.

If the Chromebook is from the MS, take the unit down to Grimes office. He will go switch out the Chromebook with the loaner Chromebook and you will just need to pick up the loaner later in the day.

If the Chromebook is from the HS, message them on schoology to pick up their Chromebook from star. And when they come to star switch out there Chromebook with the loaner they had

Once you have the loaner you will need to sign it back in, in snipeIT