eFinancePlus – Open Links in New Tabs in Firefox

We recently moved to eFinancePlus and one of the quirks that I’m not particularly fond of is its behavior with menu links. As near as I can tell, all links open in new windows unless you use Internet Explorer.

PowerSchool directs users to Internet Explorer even as Microsoft is trying their best to kill off their old product and move everyone to Edge. Even Edge opens links in new Windows.

Luckily Firefox has a quick settings change that prevents links from opening in new windows. Keep in mind that this change will affect all sites. It will force the browser to open the content in a new tab instead of a new window.

In the URL bar type about:config

This will show a warning in the middle of your screen asking if you wish to continue. Click Accept the Risk and Continue.

Type newwindow in the search box. You will get multiple results. You are looking for the option labeled


On my system, the default value is 2. Change the value to 0.

Close tab and you are done. Now eFinance will open links in new tabs.

Special thanks to Upper Valley Career Center that posted this very helpful note.
